Your Winter Checklist…

  • Complete and remove varroa treatments, checking the varroa drop to assess the need for further treatments.
  • Check your bees are not being bothered by robbing bees or wasps, and the hive is wasp tight.
  • Keep a look out for Asian Hornets, especially around fallen fruit and flowering ivy.
  • Keep entrances small, when the weather changes fit a mouse guard and add insulation.
  • If your hives are in an exposed position, secure with hive straps.
  • Check the colony stores.  If needed, give a feed of syrup (if it is not too cold) or Fondant.
  • Clean and treat your beekeeping equipment.  Store dry supers to prevent wax moth damage.
  • Jar any honey to avoid it setting in the buckets, recording each batch number for traceability.
  • Take a look at your years hive records, make any notes and plan next years beekeeping