March 25 The Sussex Beekeepers AGM will be held on 1st March in Mountfield Village Hall, Church Road, Mountfield, East Sussex, TN32 5JU @ 1.30 pm

Are you going to the AGM? Why not take advantage of 2024 prices, by ordering your items in advance and we will bring them along for you to collect on the day.

Simply place an order on our website, or call us on 01424 830357, choose ‘shop collection’ to avoid any delivery charge and pop a note on the order ‘for collection at the AGM’.

The AGM will be followed by a talk by Martin Smith, past president of Lancashire and North West BKA, President of BDI and Project Manager ER2 membership system…

 Managing Colony Numbers.
 It has struck me for a while that a lot of beekeepers end up with either less colonies than they are after, whilst others struggle to keep their numbers under control, and seem to be increasing until they end up with more than they can handle/ wanted the first place. This talk will explain how the beekeeper can take control over the number of colonies they have, rather than the bees dictating as often seems the case.

Organised by the Sussex Beekeepers Association, visit their website for more info: Sussex Beekeepers Association.